Experience Course: “Let's go on a sailing boat”
It is a training course suitable for whom, wants to become capable of collaborate actively at all times and know all the wait of a voyage on a sailing boat. We will live a real dimension cruise, taking advantage of every moment of real life, to share ideas and information, a path where the part teaching it will be practical and the practice it will be constant teaching. We will begin a journey of constant growth, which will allow you to acquire sufficient knowledge and skills to become a capable sailor, a reliable hub, a precious passenger and why not a good organiser, or a future skipper or owner.
You discover il calendar with its dates! Of let's wait on board!
Our interpretation of the beauty of the sailing boat, as a unique way, natural, slow and sustainable to travel, discovering a Mediterranean that never ceases to surprise. Cast off your moorings with us, it means setting off on a journey to discover places, traditions, parties, stories, people linked to the sea. Not only beautiful trips but also sailing and the desire to share everything we have learned over years of activity, in courses and activities open to all, expert sailors and novices, adults and children, united by the desire to sail and explore. The objectives: It is an educational path with a strong practical approach, offers a wide range of information and activities, to approach cruising with great awareness and knowledge of its dynamics. You will learn for example how to: turn, strange, recognize gaits and change them, set a course and stick to it, covering every role, you will also learn how to recover a trap, prepare a top, throw it, give again, use the vhf radio, organize a galley, know what sea traps are, navigation lights, the bilge, be of help to the skipper, in every situation.
The calendar
The sailing course in Marina di Ragusa or Naples will be a full calendar of events, approximately thirteen days of boating and navigation with a frequency of one weekend a month, and a calendar of recovery days, useful to recover those possibly lost due to unfavorable weather.
> 28 e 29 October
> 18 e 19 November
> 2 e 3 December
> 13 e 14 January
> 10 e 11 February
> 10 e 11 March
> 16 e 17 December
> 24 e 25 February
> 24 e 25 March
The course will be held in Marina di Ragusa or Naples, directly on board the offshore sailing boats see boat photo
There will be many topics that will be covered during the course days, in which we will make the most of every moment, navigation and parking, to share information on everything we will experience and have around us. Below is an example list of what the topics will be:
The maneuvers: Knowing how to move on board and maneuver together with others. What are the maneuvers, how winches work, the stoppers, how to recognize the various sheets, knowing how to tack and jibe in all conditions, hoist, lower and reduce the sail.
The management: Knowing how to take the helm and steer a course. Steering a sailing and motor boat, set a course, understand how rudders work, their latency, use autopilot.
To the boat: Know everything that is useful to know about a sailing boat. Its areas, its structure, its amenities, its facilities, its autonomy, information you need to know before setting sail, daily maintenance operations.
The moorings: How to actively help with mooring and anchoring. Choosing an anchor point, the choice of mooring type, the approach, preparation on board, the roles, communications, the procedures.
The security: Navigate safely and know how to move in dangerous conditions. On-board equipment, moving on board, how to prepare for challenging weather conditions, potentially dangerous situations.
Communications: Communicate with the outside world, everytime. The use of the VHF radio, security calls, communications with other crews, communications with ports.
The itinerary: How a sailing itinerary is born. The study of the navigation area, of its terrestrial characteristics, the design of an itinerary, how feasibility is assessed, general characteristics, peculiarities, pitfalls, average mileages, ideal duration.
The route: How to move from the rough itinerary to the precise route. The main program, alternative ones, the stages, the landing places, the supply points, the itineraries on land, logistics.
The galley: The perfect galley for every itinerary. The selection of recipes, knowledge of local products, shopping list, the selection of meals based on conditions, the purchase, the stowage, food preparation, fresh management, of inventories, some waste.
Boarding: It's time to set sail, how do you prepare to do it. Checking weather conditions, communications with: the administrative part, communications with passengers, boat check-in, the boarding of guests.
At Barca
Dufour 455 Grand large: 45.5 feet, beautiful and comfortable boat, equipped with everything needed to enjoy a pleasant sailing trip. Equipped with 4 double cabins with flat beds and three French bathrooms. see boat photo
The participation fee is:
– 200€ a persona per singolo weekend (2 days)
– 480€ a persona per la prima parte (6 days)
– 480€ a persona per la seconda parte (6 days)
– 900€ a persona per l’intero corso (12 days)
The onboard service includes:
– skipper istruttore con esperienza
– staff di bordo
– organizzazione logistica e didattica
– overnight stay on board
– attestato di partecipazione
The service does not include:
– viaggi per raggiungere il porto
– cambusa
– carburante motore
– eventuali ormeggi fuori da Marina di Ragusa o da Napoli.
Per info mail: sail.charter@invictus-sicily.com – +39 339 27 22 543
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